Thursday, 16 June 2011

Passing Out On A Train

So this morning I almost passed out on the train, not the best journey to work. Managed to exit the train at Southall before I blacked out! Didn't make it into work...
Instead I spent the day in bed, for the first time in two months and seven days my wife wasn't there. It was weird to say the least.
Feel better now, hopefully will make it into work tomorrow.
The nice thing today was the concern my boss showed for me and the phone call from Mrs T (and coming home from work early). Which reminded me how connected to others I am. How blessed. How everyone needs family.

Monday, 6 June 2011

What does it mean to be a disciple

I was challenged in church yesterday by the question what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

One of the points was that it means to watch closely what the master says and does and to do likewise.

Got me thinking that if we as followers of Jesus did a bit more of that then the world would be a better place...