Monday, 15 August 2011

To Trust Or Not To Trust

Over the last few weeks I have been struck by the thought about who and/or what we trust, and leading on from this how do we trust.

These thoughts triggered by the media, goings on in the political sphere and struggles in friend's lives.

At the end of the day we all trust, to varying degrees. We trust the bed we lie in won't break, that the roof over our head won't cave in, that the food from the supermarket won't kill us.

And yet in human interaction we can be very quick not to trust. Which is strange. We are more likely to trust that a stranger who we have never met won't do something negative towards than our closest friends, families and lovers? How did we get things so backwards?

Now I understand that it usually is the ones closest to us that hurt us the most BUT surely trust should be bigger than this.

The bible talks a lot about trust; often saying don't put your trust in people but in the Lord. However, leading on from this comes that those who call themselves follows of Christ should be trustworthy people, people of their word, people who allow the characteristics of Jesus to shine through, people who are changed from one degree of glory to another.

Which means that we should be able to trust people. And if there was a bit more trust, then our relationships would be that much better. And then our world might be a little bit better...

Jesus said that if someone asks something of you; you should give it to them, and then give them more. A point which we could take from this is that we should be willing. Willing to allows others in, to trust even if sometimes we get exploited.

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