Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Joy of Parents

Some close friends have just become parents and of course the question of when will this happen in my happy lil world arises. Not that this is what I want to talk about, parenthood will come all in good time.  I have yet again been reminded of the miracle and marvel that is parents.

In our seemingly increasing broken society I know that for someone to have two sets of parents who aren't divorced is a miracle. I count myself blessed and thank God for my parents and my in-laws. For the last two and a bit years they have been amazing. Giving us space to make a life for ourselves. But also being there when we need help or an ear, a soldering iron or plastering a hole in the ceiling. It's a hard balancing act but they do it so well.

I am not entirely sure what has prompted this, maybe it's just amn excuse to not do the washing up. Or perhaps I'm feeling nostalgic while I sit on the sofa and play guitar. I remember years spent sitting on my bed singing my heart out until a holler from downstairs cut through my "din" usually to say they'd heard that song enough or it was dinner time!

So in short, tres grateful for Mr and Mrs Thomas and Mr and Mrs Connolly.

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