Tuesday 10 November 2009

Disappointed With The Freedom Of My Speech

I have been pondering many things lately, which certainly has it merits, although sometimes times of introspection can be more negative than positive. However within all of this I have noticed a certain idiosyncrasy perhaps not only perculiar to myself that my language is more "fruity" and less "gracious" the more depressed I am.

For some people this might not be an issue, but as someone who enjoys talking, enjoys words and in some ways views himself as a wordsmith this is a cause for frustration for me. I want my speech to be full of good words, grandious and a tad ecentric maybe, but words that are encouraging, inspiring, challenging, dripping in love and overflowing with joy and the abudance of life and God's goodness.

A wise man once wrote that pleasing words are like honey, sweet to the soul and new life to the bones, too often of late I have found that my words aren't that pleasing and they certainly have not been sweet to the soul or life giving to my bones.

Ephesians 4 v 29 says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." I have fallen some way short of that, and am sorry to say the least. The challenge I find for myself is that words spoken have come from somewhere, and that somewhere is our inside, our heart if you will. So getting to the heart of the matter, if I may put it crudely there is a part of me that is pissed off and wants to vent. I have decided that I need to find some new stuff to get on the inside, fill the heart up with good things and good things will come out the mouth.

Right now it's galaxy chocolate, my mate's beautiful new song called The Other Side and a few inspiring scriptures.

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