Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Have I Mellowed Too Much?

At some point this evening I was hit by the thought; have I mellowed too much?

I think that if people who know me thought about it (not that I think they do or should) they would agree that I have mellowed over the last few years. I know that I have mellowed. But I am left wondering is it too much?

Have I lost the fire that burned inside and led me to action. Now admittedly I did get things wrong a fair amount of the time BUT at least I was passionate and tried to act accordingly! I was zealous for things to be right and desperate that people be treated as equitably as possible.

And I think in that passion I was creative and full of life and vigour and ideas and now as I sit here on my bed; my legs aching, 75 thousand words of a novel still to be written, wondering what will become of all the songs that have been written, I think what happened to that young man full of fire and ideas.

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