Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Songs That Sometimes Bring A Tear Or Two To My Eyes

You raise me up by Josh Groban - one of my favourite songs and the first dance at my wedding, can't help but be inspired whenever I hear it and now reminded of standing on a dance floor in my wifes arms surrounded by family and friends on the most amazing day of my life.

Always by Switchfoot - tis a close run thing between this and Dare You To Move but Always just takes it. I first heard it in a tent in a field in Somerset and was blown apart and put back together again.

Hands down by Dashboard Confessional - the moment I heard this song I fell in love with it and it has been a favourite ever since. The line 'and you kissed me like you meant it' was something I dreamed about for years, I'm blessed to have found that now, nothing quite comes close to being kissed back by someone who wants you.

Only one by Yellowcard - I can't help but lean back and sing at the top of my lungs to this song. Nothing like being at a gig and with hundreds of others sing your guts out, it's like heaven and how church should be sometimes.

Mountains high by Delirious? - this song reminds me of my dear friend Peter Scott, even as I write this my eyes well up. He died a few years ago and we miss him terribly; but this song reminds of the sadness of this, the hope of the better place he is right now and The One who helps us through this life.

What songs get you?

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