Friday, 13 January 2012

Bad Day at the (Metaphorical) Office

Days one through three of le diet were a resounding success. I say success in that not a hint of chocolate or other illicit substances,  mind you I've no idea if any weight has been lost yet.

Day four though was another matter, a bad day at the office; the metaphorical one that is, work was actually okay. I got home and was doing the washing up while the big bang theory blared in the background and suddenly I felt faint. Hunger pangs engulfed me. My head feared the worst.

So I left the dirty dishwater and sat down upon our lovely red sofa and ate six Thorntons chocolate.

Now the good news is that after the chocolate I no longer felt quite so faint, was fortified to finish the washing up and cook my lovely wife some dinner. The bad news is that it was a minor setback on le diet plan AND has reminded me just how good chocolate tastes. I'm almost salivating thinking about it now.

Oh well, we fall down, we get up again. We fail, we start over.

I endeavoured to make up for it this morning - a banana and an orange for breakfast. And if my foot is up to it I will attempt the first jog of 2012.

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