Wednesday 12 August 2009

And So It Begins...

After a considerable amount of contemplating the idea and then disgarding it on account of many valid and not so valid reasons, I decided on the spur of the moment (yes that one just gone) to get on a do it. Yes to do a blog. Thus I have now joined the world of bloggers, whatever that actually means. This sudden rush of blood to the head has been in no small way aided by two people who shall remain nameless but mean more to me than words could ever conspire to show and deserve so much more than I.

I'm not entirely sure what I expect of this, or of myself, but we shall see how this works itself out.

And so it begins...



  1. By nameless do you mean the 2 people who are following you?

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere!
    Will we be seeing sneek previews of the novel? :)

  3. Hehe, yes quite probably (but now there's a whole 3 followers it makes it more interesting and increases the anonimity of my opening statement!).

    And perhaps this could be a forum for sharing some of the novel, canvassing opinion and getting ideas. Apologies for the pun but it would be a novel idea!

    And I am now no longer listed as female, if ever there was a freudian slip then that was it!
