Friday 14 August 2009

New Things, Growing Up and the Same Ole Same Ole

A friend of mine gets married in a couple of weeks, another friend of mine starts a new job/career next month, another friend is currently completing a new qualification while another friend is about to start a new qualification in a new city. And I have started a blog.

Spot the odd one out for life changing um changes.

(Unless of course this blog turns into something epic, which is probably unlikely, or starts taking up my entire life, which probably isn't a good idea!)

It was muted that maybe I could share some material from the novel I am attempting to write. So I thought I would clarify how that is going. So far I have written nearly 25,000 words, which translates to approximately a quarter of the book I am attempting to write. Within the confines of the story I am telling and the vehicle for this it means I have nearly completed 1 characters story.

For those who don't know, my novel revolves around 3 characters, currently enitled Dee, Jay and Teah, and how their lives become entwined over the course of 99 days. So I am effectively telling 3 stories in 1. Writing it in this manner gives me scope for jumping around and writing the bits that I feel inspired to. Although on days/weeks/months where I don't feel inspired it sometimes feels likea hopeless unending battle. However I have so far written more than I have ever written in my entire life and I have been only working on it for 15 months. All the while holding a day job, playing in two bands, moving house, and doing lots of stuff! So although it's taking a while and is harder than I thought, it's still going well!

And yes this post probably has rambled more than usual but I'm on my lunch break, so I haven't had much time to "edit" myself - which is usually a sensible thing to do.

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