Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Beaten and Blogless but not Broken

It has been a while since I have blogged. There are a number of reasons for this. I have been lacking in inspiration for things to write (although this usually doesn't stop me from spouting something) coupled with a rather unfortunate personal situation which I shall refrain from elaborating upon because it's not important.

The thing I wanted to highlight is my friends. Through a somewhat difficult period a number of friends who did not know I was struggling said various things to me, spent time with me, and displayed the love of Christ to me, and whether they realised it or not helped me through. All I can say is that I am truely grateful for the friends I have and pray that I in turn am able to be the best friend I can be to them.

My thanks also to Dave who was the one who got the full extent of complaint in person.

As for the situation, it hasn't really gone away but has calmed down and I am learning to leave it in God's hands. Learning to let him be the one to defend my cause as my words, my logical arguments and my wisdom have failed quite spectacularly.

The other thing that has become apparent to me is how much I/we complain and don't really pray about things. We moan about stuff to each other and God but don't actually bother to really bring these things, situations, whatevers to the Lord in real prayer*. Which is really rather stupid really.

*And what I mean by real prayer is telling God about a situation and either asking him into it or asking him for a specific outcome.

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