Friday 23 October 2009

Freedom Of Speech

“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” (Voltaire)

It always strikes me as odd how people are very happy for free speech until someone they disagree with has an opportunity to speak.

I confess to not knowing the full details behind Nick Griffin being on Question Time and I decided against watching it last night on point of principle that I don't watch the programme normally so if I do now I've cowered to populist opinion; either negative or positive. However, assuming that he is a political figure and this is a politcal programme that has democratically elected representatives on it, then why shouldn't he have the opportunity to speak. Cos last time I checked we the British public voted him in as an MEP. Yes I probably do disagree with most of what he says and stands for (although I don't know because I haven't read the BNP manifesto) but surely if we want freedom of speech we have to accept that some people are going to say things we don't want to hear.

Obviously there are some extenuating circumstances such as are the BNP a legally recognised party at the moment. What is Question Time's function and the rules which govern it (does his appearance break these). All of which might mean that perhaps he shouldn't have been allowed on the tv. But leaving that aside for one moment. How can we have freedom of speech and then not allow people to speak freely.

Some people will say things you don't want to hear. Some people are going to say things that are blatantly wrong (although the discussion about right and wrong will be for another time). Some people will abuse this freedom. Some people will offend your sensibilities. Some people though will open your eyes to things you did not know about. Some people will make a positive impact in this world by the words they say.

If you have a issue with freedom of speech, I suggest you use your vote wisely next summer. Or better yet, on top of that do something about it, such as get involved in politics or law, and actually do something.

And one final thought, this means I also agree with people being allowed to protest against such things. Although I am against violence, so peaceful protests only please.

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